OK, so you’ve done the work. You’ve niched down. You know exactly what your dream client looks like, what consumes their daydreams, what keeps them up at night and – of course – you know exactly how you can help them.

But now is the time to actually attract your dream clients.

You know it’s time you and your business made a greater impact and began working with the exact people you want to work with you’re just a bit stumped as to how to actually get that ball rolling.

Let me introduce you to ATTRACTION MARKETING.

When you’re marketing is structured around attracting your dream clients to you. You want to be providing relevant, valuable and engaging FREE content for them to devour.

You want to provide so much value to them BEFORE you even ask for the sale, so that, when you do, your dream clients won’t even think twice before hitting buy.

The kind of content I’m talking about is blogs, podcasts or videos jam-packed full of tips, tricks, hacks and education. If you’ve done your research you will know exactly the type of content your dream client will be attracted to.

You want to think about addressing their questions or concerns, providing tips you’ve learnt along the way and some personal stories about you and your brand. 

The idea with this content is to pique their interest so they become more engaged with you and your brand. As well as evoke a sense of curiosity in them, leaving them wanting to know more about you, your services and your brand.

Not only will this create brand awareness. It will also help to grow your brand reputation too giving you more credibility as an expert.

How does it work?

This kind of marketing works by building relationships with your audience.

First, by knowing what they want to see from you – poll and ask your audience what they need help with, answer their pain points, address their deepest desires, research to see what is currently trending or working well for your industry leaders?

Work on creating some ‘brand stories’ – origin, transformation, overcoming difficulty, client work etc. and rinse and repeat this messaging often.

By producing content your audience actually wants to read and consume it gives you the opportunity to start conversations and build relationships with them.

As they respond to your content you’ll be there to provide more value, answer any further questions. And, eventually, pitch to them directly with a service that you know will be perfect for them.

By aligning your branding efforts around this idea of providing value your dream clients will be naturally attracted to you as they see that you are so aligned with their values, desires and needs.

So take a second to think about your branding and messaging.

What does your ideal client need to feel before choosing to hire you?

How can you evoke that feeling with your branding and messaging?

Three Actions To Take To Attract Your Dream Clients

1. Conduct market research

Look for trends in your market by finding out who the industry and thought leaders are with a similar client base. Follow them on socials, sign up to their newsletters, read their blogs, watch their videos etc. 

But it’s not so much about what they are saying, and more importantly what their audience is asking. Pay attention to the questions that are coming up.

By finding out what their audience is actively responding to you’ll be able to fill in the gaps of what is missing by sharing relevant messages in your own unique brand voice.

2. Focus on your brand messaging

Look over your existing content and plan for your future content ensuring you are sharing your unique message that is relevant and valuable to your desired audience. 

Are you sharing in a way for effective emotional impact? Because if you aren’t, you’ll only be hearing crickets.

Humans are emotional beings, and when you can effectively communicate in a way that allows them to see themselves as a part of your brand’s solution, you will win over their hearts.

3. Build authentic relationships

There are many different buyers but most want to feel seen and heard before investing. Before you ever think about selling or pitching to anyone make sure you’re coming from a place of solid ground. 

By putting effort into building an authentic relationship with them, you are more likely to see success. People that know, like and trust you are far more likely to make the investment of working with you.

Take the time to establish yourself as an industry leader and someone who is truly aiming to help, by always leading with a value proposition first and you’ll do just fine. Seek to serve and let that good energy be the force field that draws in opportunities for you.

It can feel overwhelming working out how to attract your dream clients. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

When you’re aligned in all aspects of your business, attracting your dream clients comes with flow and ease. 

If you’re feeling friction right now, it might be that there’s some aspect of your business that isn’t sitting quite right with your deepest desires?

But I’ve been working on a little – actually it’s quite large – something to help you find alignment in your business… 

My signature course – Accelerate in Alignment.