Normally we don’t need to worry about entertaining the little ones on weekdays until school’s out for the summer, but that last bell rang a little earlier this year. I’ve been keeping my 5-year-old, Vincent, entertained while also making big moves in my business, so I thought it’s time to share a few tricks that might work for you too. As work from home moms, we’re in this together!

Here’s 3 tips to stay focused with your kids at home…

1. Busy kids are happy kids.

This doesn’t mean you have to be with them at every moment! There are plenty of activities you can set up to keep them entertained while you get some work done. My little guy is really into crafts right now—I have a bunch of ideas saved to an Instagram Highlight you should peruse.

He’s an only child, so games are hard when my husband and I need to get work done, but if you have a couple running around, pair them up. Virtual learning is a good idea as well while we all navigate the fate of the school year.

2. Take turns with your spouse.

I’m lucky to have my husband at home with me right now, but even in normal times our off and on seasons with work align—he’s self-employed too! We’ve become experts at setting schedules to trade off.

Set a routine and stick to it. Maybe you can take the morning shift while your spouse gets some work done and switch for the afternoon. Or hour sprints on and off… whatever works for you!

3. Maintain boundaries.

Even though your kids are home, you have to keep business running. There’s no right or wrong way to juggle parenting and working, especially if you’re self-employed. As long as the work and free time boundaries are respected so it’s fair to everyone, you’re doing it right. Just don’t expect an equal balance. Balance doesn’t exist.

Do you have any of your own tips?

I love meeting other work from home moms, so send me a DM.