3 Ways to Consistently Promote Your Photography on Social Media
I get it—it’s SO HARD to run a business, keep a home, spend time with family, and post about how awesome doing it all is on social media. You’re busy! I have some tough love for you though… we’re all busy. If you’re not posting you lower your chances of attracting new clients and us photographers need a constant stream of prospects coming in.
It can be easy though! I’ve found consistency with social media and the subsequent feeling of ease that comes from having a system in place. Here’s how you can get started…
Set a simple workflow.
What’s the most efficient way for you to plan and create content, organize and edit photos, write captions, and plan everything ahead of time? We’re more efficient when we eliminate in the moment decisions. Just follow your workflow!
I like to batch my content, scheduling social media posts around my blog posts so that everything aligns with a larger topic or discussion each month. It saves lots of time and keeps me on track.
Use the same preset.
Photographers or not, you need to be using the same preset (filter) with every photo. This will ensure your colours and editing style are consistent across your feed and people may even come to recognize you for it. You can create your own presets in Adobe Lightroom or purchase some from photographers. Mine will be available soon!
Always choose similar lighting.
If you know anything about photography, you know that light makes or breaks a photo. In order to maintain the consistent editing noted above, you’ll have to pay attention to the light. A dark, poorly lit photo likely won’t look good next to a well-lit one. Play around with the layout of your feed by using scheduling apps like Later or Buffer.
Instagram is one of the best places to show people why they should hire you! It’s both your portfolio and direct communication channel and because it’s so personal, you can showcase your true self. Message me on Instagram if these tips helped you!